(Frequently asked questions)
1. Does the town pick up branches?
The Town of Ulysses does not collect yard waste. If you live in the Village of Trumansburg, the Village DPW does. Contact the Village DPW at 387-5618 for more information on this.
2. Where do I report a dead deer on the road?
Contact the local NYS Dept. of Transportation (DOT) in Cortland at (607)756-7072.
3. My mailbox was damaged by a snow plow. How do I get this fixed?
It depends on where you live. Roads in the Town of Ulysses may be maintained by Village, Town, County, or State highway departments. View this map to see who maintains your road and contact accordingly:
Village of Trumansburg DPW: 387-5618
Town of Ulysses Highway Dept.: 387-6230
Tompkins County Highway Dept.: 274-0300
NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT): (607)756-7072 (Cortland office)
4. How does trash pick up work?
The Town of Ulysses does not provide trash collection. Visit the Tompkins County Solid Waste website to see a list of haulers that you can contract with to collect your trash. Call them at (607)273-6632.
Tompkins County provides recycling services, collecting in Ulysses every other Friday. View their calendar here to see when the next pick up is scheduled.
If you live in the Village of Trumansburg, trash is collected each Wednesday.
5. Where can I put POSTED signs on my property?
At least one sign must be set on each side of the protected area and on each side of all corners that can be reasonably identified. Signs shall be no more than 660 feet apart, close to or along the boundaries of the protected area. Since the signs must be conspicuous, they should be high enough, and spaced closely enough to be seen. Please don't turn your property into an eyesore by using more signs than are necessary. Check the signs once a year and maintain them as neccesary so they are legible. You can read more on the DEC website here.
6. Can I pay my school taxes at the Town Hall?
No. School taxes can be made payable to Trumansburg Central School District and dropped off at Tompkins Trust Company in Trumansburg or mailed to:
555 Warren Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
For school tax inquiries, visit www.taxlookup.net/trumansburgcsd, email tburgtax@tstboces.org or call (607)257-1551 ext. 1042.
Town of Ulysses, NY
Mailing address:
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg, NY 14886
Fax: (607) 387-5843
All rights reserved.
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