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(See original Request for Bids below)
bidder date rec'd   bid amount   additive bid amt 
Dalrymple Gravel & Contracting, Pine City NY 12/4/2024    $  244,140.00  $     20,980.00
JMR Excavation, Skaneateles NY 12/4/2024 SELECTED  $  188,716.00  $     12,000.00
Davis Wallbridge, East Syracuse NY 12/4/2024    $  200,449.50  $     18,360.00
Boland Excavating, Conklin NY 12/4/2024   $   208,908.50  $     14,040.00

Sealed Bids for the construction of the Town Hall Parking Lot Improvements will be received by the Town of Ulysses, at the office of the Town of Ulysses Town Hall, until 1:00PM local time on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Project consists of pavement reconstruction, drainage improvements, lighting improvements, and associated work at the Town of Ulysses Town Hall parking lot.
Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be on a unit price basis, with additive alternate bid items as indicated in the Bid Form.
Contract Documents, including Advertisement for Bids, Information for Bidders, Labor and Employment, Additional Instructions, Bid Documents, Agreement, General Conditions, General Requirements, Specifications, and Contract Drawings and any Addenda, may be obtained from Barton & Loguidice, D.P. C., by providing contact information to Download instructions will be provided upon notification. Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form and accompanied by Bid security, as prescribed in the Instructions to Bidders.
The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish the additional bond(s) prescribed in the Bidding Documents.
In order to perform public work. the Successful Bidder and Subcontractors prior to contract award shall hold or obtain such license as required by State statutes, and Federal and local Laws and Regulations.
Bids will not be accepted from Bidders that have been barred from competing on public works under General Municipal Law 5A-103-b.
Purchases made by the Town of Ulysses are not subject to any Federal, State or local sales tax. Bidders shall not include in their bid sales and compensating use taxes on the cost of materials. Exemption certificates will be executed upon request.
For information concerning the proposed Work, contact Alexander S. Kerr, P.E. Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C.,
The Owner's right is reserved to reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming to the intent and purpose of the Bidding Documents.
Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk